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Author Biographies
PM Araujo
Laboratory of Food Technology, Federal University of Rio Granade do Norte, 59072-970, NatalRN, Brazil
JRL Fonseca
Laboratory of Food Technology, Federal University of Rio Granade do Norte, 59072-970, NatalRN, Brazil
JRL Fonseca
Laboratory of Food Technology, Federal University of Rio Granade do Norte, 59072-970, NatalRN, Brazil
MMA Magalhaes
Laboratory of Food Technology, Federal University of Rio Granade do Norte, 59072-970, NatalRN, Brazil
MFD Medeiros
Laboratory of Food Technology, Federal University of Rio Granade do Norte, 59072-970, NatalRN, Brazil
MMA Magalhaes
Laboratory of Food Technology, Federal University of Rio Granade do Norte, 59072-970, NatalRN, Brazil
JRL Fonseca
Laboratory of Food Technology, Federal University of Rio Granade do Norte, 59072-970, NatalRN, Brazil
MMA Magalhaes
Laboratory of Food Technology, Federal University of Rio Granade do Norte, 59072-970, NatalRN, Brazil
MFD Medeiros
Laboratory of Food Technology, Federal University of Rio Granade do Norte, 59072-970, NatalRN, Brazil
MFD Medeiros
Laboratory of Food Technology, Federal University of Rio Granade do Norte, 59072-970, NatalRN, Brazil
Main Article Content
Drying of carrots in slices with osmotic dehydration
PM Araujo
JRL Fonseca
JRL Fonseca
MMA Magalhaes
MFD Medeiros
MMA Magalhaes
JRL Fonseca
MMA Magalhaes
MFD Medeiros
MFD Medeiros
Carrot is dried for consumption in the form of slices and cubes. The objective of this work was to find alternative ways for the conservation of carrot slices by osmotic dehydration with additional drying in heat. Pre-osmotic dehydration (temperature, immersion time and type of osmotic solution) based on the results of humidity loss, solid gain, weight reduction and efficiency ratio of pre-dehydrated carrot slices were initially defined as the best conditions for this study. The osmotic solutions used were composed of NaCl (10%) and sucrose (50° Brix) named OD1 and sucrose (50° Brix) called OD2. The experiment of pre-osmotic dehydration of carrot slices in two temperature levels with complementary drying in heat with air circulation at 70°C was used. The best results were obtained with the solution OD1 at 60°C with immersion time of 60 min. The osmotic pre-treatment reduced the initial humidity of carrot slices, reducing the time for the product to reach the same humidity content.
African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13(30) 3061-3067
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