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Fertigation of stillage in the culture of brown and golden linseed (Linum usitatissimum)

Paulo Andre Cremonez
Armin Feiden
Reginaldo Ferreira Santos
Joel Gustavo Teleken
Douglas Bassegio
Filipe Eliazar Cremonez
Henrique Bernardo Muriana
Willian Cezar Nadaleti


In Brazil, the stillage is mainly used in fertigation of sugarcane plantations, however, little is known about its effect on the nutritional supplementation and irrigation cultivation of linseed. Because of the shortage of work in the area, the present study aimed to evaluate the development of the culture of brown and golden linseed submitted to fertigation of stillage. The experiment was conducted in the field, at the Federal University of Paraná in Palotina/PR in the agricultural year of 2013, on a eutrophic Red Latosol. The adopted lineation was completely randomized in split plots, where the plots were composed by the two varieties (brown and gold), and the sub-plots by the ratios (100% stillage; 50% stillage and 50% water; 100% control water). Fertigation of stillage in the culture of brown and golden linseed presents positive results on plant height, dry and fresh weight, capsules number and productivity; except for the number of branches (100% is higher). It was observed that between the two varieties, the golden linseed showed better development with the applied treatment.

Keywords: Fertigation, energy crops, agro industrial residues

African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13(12), 1369-1373

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315