The aim of this study is to determine the availability of cadmium (Cd) in the soil of Yonne district, Burgundy, France. Soil samples were collected from surface-ploughed layer in fields across the southern part of the Yonne district, Burgundy, France. Some results analysing soil Cd and Cu contents on Domérien region of Burgundy has been presented. This is to know the relationship between extracting time and extracted Cd and Cu contents from the two sites’ soils (Dubloc, Bierry) in the Domérien soil series. A total of 68-107% Cd and 20-28% Cu were extracted from the soil in 1440 min. The two soils were acidic, and around 70% of Cd contents were extracted in 20 min of extraction, while around 65% of Cu contents were extracted in 30 min of extraction. The Cd extraction was blocked at the mid-extraction time, while the Cu extraction kept on increasing up to the end of the extraction time. Cadmium extraction increased with increase in pH value in the present experiment. Copper content shows same tendency with Cd.
Keywords: Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, cadmium availability, copper extraction, Domérien soil series, extracting time, soil analyses
African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13(12), 1343-1350