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Author Biographies
Marcos Robeiro da Silva Vieira
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Unidade Academica de Serra Talhada, CEP: 59909-460, Serra Talhada, PE, Brasil
Adriano do Nascimento Somoes
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Unidade Academica de Serra Talhada, CEP: 59909-460, Serra Talhada, PE, Brasil
Pahlevi Augusto de Souza
Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Caera, CEP: 62930-000, Limoeiro do Norte, CE, Brasil
Main Article Content
Recommended temperature and relative humidity for storage of Brazilian tropical flowers
Marcos Robeiro da Silva Vieira
Adriano do Nascimento Somoes
Pahlevi Augusto de Souza
Post-harvest treatment and proper handling is essential so that the flowers can maintain their quality during marketing and exporting. This review aims to gives information on the storage temperature used in postharvest handling of tropical flowers of Brazil. This review provides detailed specifications and recommendations for storing the six main Brazilian tropical flowers.
African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13(11), 1198-1201
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