Homa lagoon found in the Izmir bay, Aegean Sea, is important because it is the last lagoon in which fishing activities are carried out. Hantzschia amphioxys species, on which this study was carried on, are benthic diatoms and they are isolated from Homa Lagoon. The Monod equation expressing the nutrient dependency of the growth rates can also be used for carrying capacity (with different parameter values; chl-a max, Ksı). Temporal changes of the calculated maximum chl-a concentrations (carrying capacity) was 115 μg chl-a/L by determining the hyperbolical relations between the maximum biomass levels (biomass carrying capacity) and nutrient concentrations obtained from the phytoplankton growth graphs.
Keywords: Hantzschia amphioxys, chl-a max, Homa lagoon
African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(10), pp. 1154-1159, 5 March, 2014