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Genetic diversity for nutritional traits in the leaves of baobab, Adansonia digitata
the traits of the genotypes in the 36 populations. Mahalanobis D2 statistic and wards minimum variance grouped the 36 populations into four clusters: I (25), II (3), III (7) and IV (1). Clusters IV and I had the highest inter-clusters value and intra-cluster distance. Clusters II and I had the least values of D2 and √D2 of the inter cluster and intra cluster distance. Furthermore, cluster I had the highest population (25) and cluster IV was observed to be an isolated cluster with only one population and 0 intra-cluster values. Crosses can be made among the genetically divergent populations of baobab to develop genotypes for higher nutritional quality in the leaves as well as withstand both biotic and abiotic stress arising from the environment.
Keywords: Adansonia digitata, Genetic variability, diversity, populations, and clusters
African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(2), pp. 301-306, 8 January, 2014