Systematic field screening was conducted in 14 important papaya germplasm lines to observe the severity of bumpy fruit incidence. The disease severity, fruit yield and economic losses due to physiological disorders were observed. Pune Selection-3 was most sensitive (64.6%) for the disorder while Pusa Selection Red was most tolerant (4.2%). The maximum yield was obtained in Pune Selection-3 (62 kg/plant) while lowest yield in Mokama Local (20 kg/plant). The lowest market acceptability and highest economic loss were also observed in Pune Selection-3 (Rs. 3.3/kg and 11, 21,580/ha, respectively) due to highest incidence of bumpy fruit disorder as compared to other germplasm. The highest frequency of deformed seeds/fruit (83.6%) and economic loss (Rs. 84,400/ha) under fruit production for market was noticed during February, while the lowest deformed seeds/fruit (2.7%) were observed during December. The maximum incidence of vivipary and white seed disorders were observed during May (13.4 and 75.7%, respectively) while least incidence was observed in February and March (10 and 5%, respectively). The increased incidence of vivipary was observed in harvested fruits from February to May with increasing average monthly temperature. The low and high temperatures during seed maturation period aggravate deformed and vivipary seeds, respectively.
Keywords: Carica papaya, physiological disorders, bumpy, vivipary, white seeds
African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(4), pp. 574-580, 22 January, 2014