Mitochondrial DNA is a useful genetic marker for answering evolutionary questions due to its high copy number, maternal mode of inheritance, and its high rate of evolution. The aims of this research were to study the mitochondria noncoding region by using the sanger sequencing technique and establish the degree of variation characteristic of a fragment FTA® Technology (FTA™ paper DNA extraction) utilized to extract DNA. A portion of a non-coding region encompassing positions 37 to 340 for HVII was amplified in accordance with the Anderson reference sequence. PCR products were purified by EZ-10 spin column then sequenced and detected by using the ABI 3730xL DNA analyzer. New polymorphic positions G92C, C113G, C150G, T156A, C194G, C198G, G207C, G225C and G228C are described and may in future be suitable sources for identification purpose. The data obtained can be used to identify variable nucleotide positions characterized by frequent occurrence most promising for identification variants.
Key words: D-loop, HVII, Middle and South of Iraq, mitochondrial DNA