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The Value of Professionalism: Implication for Value for Money in Projects Implemented by Force Account Procurement Method in Tanzania

Gabriel Kibona
Honest Kimario
Momole Kasambala


This study aimed to describe the implication of professionalism on Value for Money (VFM) in the construction projects of higher learning  institutions implemented by force account procurement method in Tanzania. Positivism philosophy was employed through collection of  quantifiable facts from the force account team members of the selected higher learning institutions in Tanzania. Census approach was  used to approach 64 members. The data collected was analyzed using ordinal logistic regression at a confidence interval of 95%. The null  hypotheses were rejected implying that knowledge, experience and integrity are the important parameters of professionalism in  implementation of force account projects. Consequently, acknowledgement of professionalism in force account projects realizes VFM in  construction projects. Practically this study shows how knowledge, experience and integrity of force account team members helps to  realize VFM in force account projects in the context of Tanzania. Correspondingly this study has multidisciplinary contribution involving a  blend of management, procurement, and project management. Theoretically, the study enlightens professionalism as a resource  advantage as stipulated by ResourcesBased View Theory. Also, the study contributes to responsible management goal and that of quality  education for all as encouraged by SDGs. This study limited in disclosing the link between professionalism and VFM. Contemporarily,  since environmental issue is a global agenda, it is imperative to include it in this study. Also, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  champion the application of Corporate Social Responsibility. Generally, future studies should focus on the application of CSR in force  account projects. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2591-6815
print ISSN: 2591-6815