1. Manuscripts: Articles which must be original unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere should be submitted electronically as E-mail attachment to the Editorial Secretary, at ansujass@coou.edu.ng
  2. Cover Page: Articles should be submitted with the cover page bearing only the title of the article, author/s’ names, designations, official addresses, phone/fax numbers, and email addresses. Author/s’ name should not appear on any other page. In case there are two or more authors, the corresponding author’s name and contact details (E-mail and phone number) must be clearly specified on the first page only.
  3. Format: Manuscripts which must be submitted in Microsoft-word format should not exceed 20 pages (including abstract, references, tables, figures and appendices) of A4 paper, with Times New Roman and font size 12. Line spacing must be double with 1" margins on all four sides of the paper. Discursive papers, position papers and book reviews should not exceed 10 pages.
  4. Abstracts: An abstract of not more than 150 words; 4–6 keywords and about 3 JEL classification codes should follow the title page.
  5. Headings: All sections, sub-sections, Etc should be clearly numbered, e.g.: 1, 1.1; 2, 2.1., Etc.
  6. Spellings: Where alternative forms exist, choose ‘-ise’ spellings instead of ‘-ize’. Use British spellings rather than American (‘programme’ not ‘program’; ‘labour’ not ‘labor’, etc.).
  7. Hyphenation: Pay attention to consistency in the hyphenation of words. Do not alternate, for example, between ‘macro-economic’ and ‘macroeconomic’.
  8. Figures and Tables: Tables should be typewritten, each on a separate page and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. Distinguish between figures (diagrams) and tables (statistical material) and number them in separate sequences. Each table/figure should have a brief and descriptive title which must not be part of imported material (but typed) so that I can edit it for consistency with the other papers. All Figures and Tables should be cited in the text. Sources for figures and tables should be mentioned irrespective of whether or not they require permissions. All photographs and scanned images should have a resolution of minimum 300 dpi and 1500 pixels and their format should be TIFF or JPEG. Due permissions should be taken for copyright protected photographs/images. Even for photographs/images available in the public domain, it should be clearly ascertained whether or not their reproduction requires permission for purposes of publishing (which is a profit-making endeavor). Tables should have no lines separating columns and rows.
  9. Quotes: Use single quotes throughout. Double quotes only to be used within single quotes. Spellings of words in quotations should not be changed. Quotations of 45 words or more should be separated from the text and indented with one space with a line space above and below.
  10. Equations: All but the very short mathematical equations should be displayed on a separate line and centered. Equations must be numbered consecutively on the right margin, using Arabic numerals in parentheses. To reduce errors in typesetting, please differentiate clearly between the letter I (ell) and the numeral 1 (one), the letter o (oh) and the numeral 0 (zero) and marginal notations.
  11. Notes: Notes should be consecutively numbered and presented at the end of the article, not at the foot of the page. In general, notes should contain more than a mere reference. They should be referred to in the text by numerical superscripts.
  12. In-text Citations and References: For citations and referencing, ANSUJASS adopts both the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) and Modern Language Association (MLA) formats.

However, an editorial decision (either before or after blind peer review) on the manuscripts will be taken quickly and communicated to contributors. The assessment fee per article is ₦5,000 only, payable to JOURNAL OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (1153000104) of ECO BANK PLC on submission of the manuscript. An author of any accepted paper will be required to pay additional ₦15,000 for publication of the paper, also in the same account. After each payment, the scanned copy of evidence of payment should be forwarded to ansujass@coou.edu.ng.


Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2315-7178