The effect of feeding frequency and feeding rate on growth of Oreochromis mossambicus fry was investigated over 30 d under temperature- and light-cycle-controlled conditions on the University of Zululand campus, South Africa, in October and November 2009. Weight gain, specific growth rate and gross food conversion ratio were significantly affected by feeding frequency, but survival rate was not significantly affected; the best results were obtained at a feeding frequency of four times per day. Feeding rate significantly affected weight gain and gross food conversion ratio, but not the specific growth rate or survival rate. Taking into consideration weight gain, specific growth rate and gross food conversion ratio, feeding four times per day at a rate of 15% body weight per day is optimal for fry growth.
Keywords: aquaculture, feed management, tilapia, water quality
African Journal of Aquatic Science 2013, 38(3): 273–278