S Mouffok
Laboratoire Réseau de Surveillance Environnementale (LRSE), Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Université d’Es Senia, BP 1524 El Mnaouer, Oran, Algeria
A Kherraz
Laboratoire Réseau de Surveillance Environnementale (LRSE), Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Université d’Es Senia, BP 1524 El Mnaouer, Oran, Algeria
D Bouras
Laboratoire Réseau de Surveillance Environnementale (LRSE), Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Université d’Es Senia, BP 1524 El Mnaouer, Oran, Algeria
Z Boutiba
Laboratoire Réseau de Surveillance Environnementale (LRSE), Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Université d’Es Senia, BP 1524 El Mnaouer, Oran, Algeria
This study presents data on the local distribution and yield of red shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso 1816) from a new deep-water fishery on the western Algerian slope obtained from commercial trawl fisheries at Oran and Arzew ports between 1999 and 2007. The fishing depth range was 350–750 m, with an average of 455 m. As in other fisheries in the western Mediterranean, the Algerian fishery shows seasonal variation in yields, with maxima during summer and autumn. Its average daily yields have been higher than those of other Mediterranean fisheries, which is attributed to the development of deepwater trawling that enabled the exploitation of stocks that were previously beyond reach. Since 2003 the annual landings have remained stable at around 25 tonnes and the CPUE at around 4 tonnes per boat per annum. It is possible that further exploratory trawling will result in an increase in the size of the fishery. Adaptive and precautionary management of this resource is advocated.
Keywords: Algerian slope, CPUE, landings, red shrimp, trawl fisheries, western Mediterranean
African Journal of Aquatic Science 2008, 33(2): 175–179