Current issues relating to water utilisation, pollution and management in Lake Victoria, as well as legislative and regulatory history governing the management of the Lake Victoria Basin are reviewed. The articles of the agreements, many of which are now outdated, narrow the concept of water to a resource and afford preferential access to the lowest riparian states, ensuring they get sufficient water throughout the year. Despite these existing agreements, there are no mechanisms to facilitate sharing the costs of managing the catchments or the benefits accrued from water use among riparian states. National interests have historically been promoted at the expense of regional interests. This is largely due to differences in development history and contemporary socio-economic priorities. The need for a more sustainable and equitable framework governing management measures capable of meeting the needs of riparian states and ensuring sustainability within the basin is highlighted.
Keywords: biodiversity loss; East Africa; eutrophication; heavy metal pollution; international treaties; Nile Basin; shared water resources
African Journal of Aquatic Science 2008, 33(2): 105–113