Busani Ndlela
De Beers Research Laboratory, PO Box 197, Chiredzi, Zimbabwe
Moses J Chimbari
University of Zimbabwe Lake Kariba Research Station, PO Box 48, Kariba, Zimbabwe
Henry Madsen
DBL-Institute for Health Research and Development, Jaegersborg Allé 1 D, DK 2920, Charlottenlund, Denmark
Bulinus tropicus, which does not transmit Schistosoma haematobium, has been suggested for biological control of the schistosome intermediate host Bulinus globosus in Zimbabwe. The possible competition between B. tropicus and B. globosus was evaluated under semi-natural conditions in an enclosure experiment. The results of this study showed that B. tropicus was more prolific than B. globosus in enclosures containing both species. However, the effect of B. tropicus on B. globosus population density was not statistically significant, suggesting that there was little or no competition between the two species.
Keywords: biological control, competition, enclosure experiments, intermediate hosts, schistosomiasis
African Journal of Aquatic Science 2007, 32(1): 13–16