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Mike Coke


Hipondoka MHT, van der Waal BCW, Ndeutapo MH, Hango L. 2018. Sources of fish in the ephemeral western iishana region of the Cuvelai–Etosha Basin in Angola and Namibia. African Journal of Aquatic Science 43(3): 199–214. DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2018.1506310

On page 205, under the subheading “Remote sensing and GIS analysis” under “Results”, the sentence “Although most of the Kunene tributaries and iishana are not linked directly, like oshana Olushandja–Etaka, then Okanimekwa (on the Namibian side) at Ehinga is also practically contiguous across the water divide.” should read as follows:

“Although most of the Kunene tributaries and iishana are not linked directly, Okanimekwa (on the Namibian side) at Ehinga is practically contiguous across the water divide similar to oshana Olushandja–Etaka before the 1970s.”

On page 212, under the subheading “Mechanism of fish migration” under “Discussion”, the sentence “Of the 39 fishermen and local villagers questioned about the origin of fish in the Omadhiya Lakes, 13 regarded the Kunene River as the source of fish in the pans — and as ‘a myth held for a long time, even by geographers’.” should read as follows:

“Of the 39 fishermen and local villagers questioned about the origin of fish in the Omadhiya Lakes, 13 regarded the Kunene River as the source of fish in the pans, but this suggestion was ignored by fish biologists and interpreted as ‘a myth held for a long time, even by geographers’.”

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9364
print ISSN: 1608-5914