With a steady rise in the prevalence of HIV and AIDS throughout the world it has become vital for programme implementers at all levels to ensure that all HIV intervention programmes are effectively put into practice. The present research used qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate the lifeskills-based HIV/AIDS education programme being implemented in primary and secondary schools in South Africa, with special reference to KwaZulu-Natal. A qualitative questionnaire gathered information from nine respondents at three levels: Department of Education district officials, educators and learners. Six key themes were consequently identified to guide the evaluation: communication, empowerment, resources, networking, motivation, and evaluation and feedback. A quantitative questionnaire completed by 30 educators revealed an overall positive attitude towards the programme, regardless of the educator’s gender, age or level of formal education. The results are discussed with special reference to continuation and improvement of the lifeskills-based HIV/AIDS education programme.
African Journal of AIDS Research 2009, 8(1): 115–121