INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Mission statement The purpose of the African Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care is the publication of original work in Africa and other parts of the world in all branches of anaesthesia and intensive care including the application of basic sciences. It is a peer-reviewed journal and is published twice a year. Professional and Ethical Responsibilities Before a manuscript is sent for publication, the corresponding author must seek the permission from all co-authors. Authorship should be limited to those persons who have contributed to the intellectual content of the article. Percentage contribution of each author may be indicated. Papers submitted should be accompanied by a declaration that no substantial part has been or will be submitted or published elsewhere. This does not refer to abstracts of oral communications which are printed in proceedings. It is a condition of acceptance for publication that copyright becomes vested in the journal and permission to republish must be obtained from the editor. Authors must indicate that studies were approved by their institutional Ethical committees in conformity with the Helsinki Declaration 1975(as amended) Categories of Contribution Original article – original research article on any aspect of anaesthesia and intensive care. Abstract should not be more than 250 words and the body of the article not more than 2500 words Review article – detailed, systematic and critical evaluation of literature on a specific topic. Maximum of 5,000 words. Short communication – Short reports on original research not exceeding 1500 words, 2 tables or figures and a maximum of 10 references. Case Report – Case report of interesting and unusual cases. Letter to the editor- Comments on materials previously published in the journal, clinical observations or other matters relevant to anaesthesia and intensive care. Letters should contain a maximum of 750 words and 2 tables/ figures. Conference, Seminar and Workshop reports – Manuscript Preparation The original soft and three hard copies of the manuscript and all supporting materials including a covering letter signed by the corresponding author must be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief and addressed to The Editor-in-Chief African Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care c/o Department of Anaesthesia, Lagos University Teaching Hospital P.M.B 12003, Lagos, Nigeria Email: The manuscript must be typed on MS-word, double-spaced on one side of a standard A4 paper with at least 25mm margin on each side. Text, Tables and Figures should be on separate sheets. Manuscripts must conform to acceptable English language and authors must employ clear scientific writing. Standard abbreviations may be used but only after their full meaning have been indicated in an earlier portion of the text. All measurements must be in SI units. Patients should be referred to by number or letters only; names, initials or hospital record number must not be used. The eyes must be masked on any photograph of a patient showing the face; otherwise such a photograph must be accompanied by a statement of consent signed by the patient. The onus of preparing a paper in a suitable form for publication will rest on the author/s. Format The manuscript should consist of (i) title page, (ii) summary, (iii) text, (iv) acknowledgements (v) references (vi) table, (vii) figures, all numbered consecutively. Each component should begin on a new page in the sequence given above. Title page Should include the title of the manuscript, the name, qualification and full address of each author, the name, address and email address of the corresponding author and up to six key words. Title should be short, specific and clear. Summary This should contain not more than 250 words structured as follows (i) Background, (ii) Patients and Methods, (iii) Results, (iv) Conclusion. Unstructured summaries may be submitted for case reports. Summaries are not necessary in Editorials and Letters to the editor. Text The main text should be divided into (i) Introduction, (ii) Patients and Methods, (iii) Results, (iv) Discussion, (v) Conclusion, (vi) Acknowledgements, (vii) References. References References should not exceed 20 – 25 in number and should preferably be limited to the last decade. They should be identified in the text by superscript Arabic numerals. The references should be arranged according to the Vancouver style. All authors should be listed, but however if more than five, list five followed by et al. 1) For journal articles, give surname and initials of author, article title, name of journal, year of publication, volume number and first and last pages. E.g (i) Sanusi AA, Soyannwo OA, Amanor-Boadu SD. Intra-operative cardiac arrest. West Afr J Med 2001; 20: 192-195. (ii) Merah NA, ffoulkes-Crabbe DJO, Kushimo OT, Bode CO. Modified Mallampatti test, thyromental distance and inter-incisor gap are the best predictors of difficult laryngoscopy in West Africans. Can J. Anaesth 2005; 52: 291 –296. 2) For authors of books, give surname and initials of all authors, title of book, Edition, City, Publisher, year and pages. E.g Famewo CE. Lectures in Anaesthesia & Intensive care. 3rd Edition, Ibadan. Lovemost Printers. 2004 :21-27. 3) For authors of a chapter in a book, give surname and initials of all authors of the particular chapter, title of chapter, Editors of the book, title of the book, Edition, City, Publishers, year and pages. E.g Nageder SB. The Acute Abdomen. Badoe EA, Archampong EQ, da Rocha-Afodu JT( editors) Principles and Practice of Surgery including Pathology in the tropics, 3rd Edition, Tema, Ghana Publishing Corporation. 2000: 503-508. Illustrations, Tables and Figures Illustrations, figures and tables should be few and relevant. Photographs must be submitted as glossy prints, untrimmed and unmounted. Each photograph must be numbered with pencil lightly on the back indicating the top and should be accompanied by a suitable legend Figures should be titled and numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2,3…..) and should be referred to in the text in the appropriate position. Tables should be self-explanatory and numbered in Roman numerals (I, II, III……) and should include titles which make their meaning clear without reference to the text. Tables should be easy to read. Review Process Manuscripts submitted for publication will initially undergo internal review for its suitability. An acknowledgement of receipt of all manuscripts will be sent to the corresponding author. Thereafter if the manuscript is found to conform to the scope of the journal, it will then undergo a blinded peer review by at least two assessors. The assessors’ judgment on suitability of manuscript, corrections and comments will then be communicated to the corresponding author. The editorial board will meet to decide on all corrected manuscripts before letters of acceptance or rejection are sent to the authors.

African Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care does not charge a submission or handling fee.  However on acceptance of a manuscript a publication fee of USD75.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0794-2184
print ISSN: 0794-2184
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