The Editorial Board welcomes contributions in all fields of medicine including medical technology, as well as economic, social and ethical issues related to the practice of medicine especially in a developing country. It is meant to meet the continuing educational needs of postgraduate doctors as well as stimulate research and academic pursuit.

Author guidelines can be found below, alternatively they can be found on the journal's home page here:


Reviews and Annotations: These are normally invited contributions. They are expected to be concise and exhaustive. Must not exceed 20 typed and double spaced pages. References should not exceed 50.

Commentaries: They are invited editorials on any subject suggested by the Editor-in-Chief which should not be more than 1,500 words and not more than 10 references.

Original Research Articles: This can be accepted as a main article or a short communication. A main article should contain between 2,000 and 3,000 words. It usually presents the result of a large study (prospective or retrospective). It must contain an abstract of not more than 250 words.

Short communications are reports of smaller studies.

This should have not more than 6 references, one illustration and one table.

Topical Issues: This is our novel article which deals with issues like:

- Medical ethics as it affects practice in Africa

- Management issues

- Trade and Labour relations

- Information Technology

- Social responsibilities of doctors in an increasingly complex society

- Investment and private practice

- Medical education/career focus

Book Review: The book must be relevant and of tropical benefit.

Meeting Reports: Articles to be submitted are expected to be of benefit to the practitioners. It is expected to be the summary of proceeding of medical societies.

Addresses and Speeches: Great speeches, addresses and orations by medical personnel in Africa will be welcome (in the similitude of the Oslerian speeches or Harvain orations) Correspondence: (Letter to the editor and short notes). This should contain no more than 500 words and at most, two figures and 10 references. It should be accompanied by a covering letter stating clearly whether the communication is for publication. The requirements for authorship and for preparation of manuscripts submitted to the journal are in accordance with the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals (JAMA 1993; 269:2286; N Engl J. med 1991; 324:424-428; BMJ 1991; 302: 338-41; Ann Intern Med. 1997; 1126 36-47).



- Manuscript will be considered for publication on the understanding that it has been submitted exclusively to the journal except for addresses and speeches.

- That it is not being considered for publication elsewhere at the time of submission.

- That the data submitted has not been published elsewhere.

- However a paper presented at a scientific meeting or conference will be considered if it has not

been published in full in a proceeding or similar publication.

- Authors are free to submit manuscripts rejected by other journals. In a similar way, they are free

to submit articles rejected by this journal elsewhere.

- The editors would wish to be informed about any conflicts of interest in the submitted manuscripts

and any previous reports that might be regarded as a duplication of some data.

- The editors also reserve the right to destroy rejected articles as well as correspondence relating

to them.

- All submitted papers will undergo peer review process (see further details below).

- All submitted original articles must be accompanied by a covering letter, signed by all the co-authors.

There should be no more than six (6) authors except it is of a large collaborative studies or trials.

- Three copies of the manuscript (or a copy electronically) should be submitted to:


The Editor-in-Chief

Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine

Basement of East Wing,

University College Hospital,

P.M.B. 5116, Ibadan,

Oyo State, Nigeria.




- Arrange the article in this order. (1) Title page; (2) Abstract; (3) Text; (4) References; (5) Tables;

and (6) Figures and Legends.

- Pages should be numbered in sequence beginning with the Title page as 1, Abstract as 2, etc.

- Each section of the manuscript must start on a new page.

- All manuscripts should be typed double spaced on a plain white A4 (8”x 11”) paper with a 25mm margin at the top, bottom and sides.

1. Title Page: This should contain - Full title of the paper

- The name of each author, their highest academic qualification as well as their academic and medical titles.

- The name of the department(s) and institution(s) where the work was carried out below the name of the last author listed.

- The name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and fax number of the author responsible for correspondence.

- Three to six keywords.

2. Abstract

This is required only for clinical studies and should not be more than 250 words. It should contain the background, objective, method, results and conclusions of the study. It should be structured.

3. Main Body of the Text

This should be divided into:

(i) Introduction

(ii) Materials and Methods

(iii) Results

(iv) Discussion and

(v) Conclusion for original articles

Case reports should have:

(i) Introduction

(ii) Case profile

(iii) Discussion

For review articles, annotations and commentaries, there should be headings appropriate to the article.

- Use of acronyms or abbreviations should be limited to units of measurement. All measurements should be in metric units (Metre, Kilogram, and litre) or their decimal multiples.

- Temperatures should be in degree Celsius, blood pressures in millimeters of mercury and haemoglobin in g/dl.

- Authors are advised to use the generic names of drugs unless where the Trade name is important to the article. Trade names should be designated by use of the symbol ®

- The names of manufacturer, city and country, of manufacture of specialized equipment, chemicals and pharmaceutical products cited in the text must be mentioned.

4. References

The Journal follows the convention of the Vancouver reference list system. General arrangement, abbreviations and punctuation are uniform requirement for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals.

- Follow index medicus for periodicals

- All authors should be listed when they are four or

less. However, list only the first three and add et al when five or more.

- Personal communication must be accompanied by a written acknowledgement.

- References must be identified as superscripts to distinguish them from numerical data.

5. Tables

Each table should be at the top of new page and double spaced.

- There must be a title to each table.

- Number them in Arabic numerals (Tables I, II etc) in the order in which they are mentioned in the text.

- Each table should have a footnote which identifies the abbreviation used.

6. Figures and Figure Legends

The Journal welcomes illustrations either as line drawings or glossy photographs.

- Photographs should be in black and white. Where a coloured photograph is submitted, the author(s) will be charged some money.

- Illustrations should be referred in text as e.g. Fig. 2 Each figure should bear a reference number corresponding to a similar one in the text.

- The illustration should be marked at the back with the name(s) of the authors and title of the paper.

- The top of each illustration should be marked with an arrow to show the top margin.

- Diagrams should be on separate sheet and they should be drawn with BLACK INDIAN INK and

designed to fit either a single column with not less than 120mm and not greater than 150mm.

- Three copies of each illustration must be submitted. - The journal does not accept slides and computer generated graphics.

- Legend to each figure should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.

- The identity of subjects in photographs must be concealed or send a written consent of the subject, if otherwise.

- Any previously published figures must be accompanied by a written permission.



The journal follows the British conventions of spelling, punctuation and grammar. All submitted articles must have excellent design and correct methods of statistical analysis. The statistical methods must be appropriate to the study. Interpretation of data must be correct and accurate.



Studies and trials involving human beings must contain a statement that it was approved by the regional or institutional ethical committee. It must also show that the human subjects gave their informed consent.



We operate the peer review system. All submitted articles are first read by at least a member of the Editorial Board. Those potentially acceptable are then passed on to referees who are experts in the various fields concerned. We ask referees to comment on originality, scientific reliability and clinical relevance or usefulness. Those adjudged suitable are then submitted to statistician for statistical review. Those that fall short may be rejected outrightly or sent back to authors for corrections. For rejected articles, only one copy will be given to the author(s). Those that successfully pass through all the stages will be considered for publication. Two copies of revised manuscripts should be sent back to the Editor-in-Chief.



On acceptance, the copyright of the paper will be vested in the Journal and Publisher.



For every manuscript received by the Journal, an acknowledgement is dispatched immediately to the authors.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-1627
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