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    African Journal of Marine Science -- Vol. 28 No. 5 (2006): A review of the potential role of tumour-promoting compounds produced by Lyngbya majuscula in marine turtle fibropapillomatosis 27 USD    Remove from cart
    African Journal of Marine Science -- Vol. 28 No. 5 (2006): Cyanobacteria species identified in the Weija and Kpong reservoirs, Ghana, and their implications for drinking water quality with respect to microcystin 27 USD    Remove from cart
    African Journal of Marine Science -- Vol. 28 No. 5 (2006): The first closure of shellfish harvesting due to domoic acid in Puget Sound, Washington, USA 27 USD    Remove from cart
    Africa Insight -- Vol. 45 No. 3 (2015): A Case for Industrial Policy towards Green Economy Transition in Developing Economies 27 USD    Remove from cart
    Total: 108 USD

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