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Knowledge and utilization of malaria control measures by pregnant and newly delivered mothers in Ibadan, Nigeria
Objective: To describe the malaria prevention measures utilized by these women in this environment.
Methods: Information was obtained from consented pregnant and newly delivered women on their socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge and use of malaria chemoprophylaxis
Results: One Thousand three hundred thirty (1330) pregnant and newly delivered women in 132 facilities within the Ibadan metropolis were surveyed. The mean age of the respondents was 29. 67 years (±5.21). The modes of prevention most commonly reported as being effective were the use of insecticide spray, window nets and ITN. Only 28.2% were using ITNs in the index pregnancy, and 67.2% of the women had had a drug administered for prophylactic purposes in the index pregnancy.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates awareness but poor use of control measures. Additionally, there is poor use of the recommended agent for IPT. The factors militating against the use of these preventive measures need to be urgently explored and addressed.