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Abnormal haemoglobin variants, ABO and Rh blood groups among student of African descent in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Objectives: The study was designed to sample students population of African descents for the purpose of updating information on the prevalence of abnormal haemoglobin variants, ABO, and Rh blood groups and compare the results with previously published data.
Methods: Standard electrophoretic and haemagglutination techniques were employed in testing the blood samples.
Results: Of the 620 students screened, 80.32% were HbAA and 19.68% HbAS. 22.9% were of blood group A, 17.10% group B, 4.84% group AB and 55.16% group O. 96.77% were Rh.D positive while 3.23% were Rh D negative. Sickle cell gene in homozygous state (HbSS) and other abnormal haemoglobin variants were not encountered in this students population,. Analysis of the students population revealed that 454(73.23%) were females while 166(26.77%) were males. Participants of the age group 26-30 years (35.7%) constituted the majority and in this age group, all blood groups were represented.
Conclusion: There is a gradual decline in the prevalence of abnormal haemoglobin variants in our black population. The frequencies of ABO and Rh blood groups however appeared to be stable and consistent with previous published data.
Keywords: haemoglobin genotypes, blood groups, ABO, Rh, Nigeria
African Health Sciences Vol. 6(3) 2006: 177-181