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Plasma cholesterol and related lipid levels of seemingly healthy public service employees in Kampala, Uganda
Objective: This study was conducted to determine spot levels of plasma lipid indicators of CVD in seemingly healthy public service employees in Kampala, Uganda. The purpose of this study was achieved through analysis of fasting plasma samples for the following: Total cholesterol (TC), Triacylglycerols (TG), High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), and molar ratios of LDL/HDL, TC/ HDL, and TC/TG.
Methods: One hundred and seventy four fasting executives 85 males and 89 females employed in public service in Kampala, Uganda, were investigated to determine enzymatically spot levels of TC, TG, HDL, and LDL from which their mutual ratios were calculated.
Results: In each of the 7 parameters studied, the samples showed risk factors for CVD at the following rates :HDL 10% ,LDL/HDL 12%, TG 47%, LDL 48%, TC/HDL 53% TC 66%, TG/HDL 68%,.
Conclusions: In all the cut off points used, each analyte had a significant percentage of public service employees at risk of CVD. It is therefore concluded that hypercholesterolaemia and other dyslipidemias exist among seemingly healthy public service employees in Kampala, Uganda, and this needs urgent intervention at both individual and national levels.
African Health Sciences Vol. 6(3) 2006: 139-144