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Pattern of dental caries in Mulago Dental School clinic, Uganda
Methodology: A review of patients' treatment records for the period 1995 to 1999 was done. A total of 1800 cards were reviewed for the diagnosis of dental caries, age, gender and the data was analyzed using EPI INFO 6 program. The patients were from both urban and peri-urban settings and were aged between 10–90 years.
Results: The results showed that the most frequently affected tooth surface was the occlusal (68.8%) followed by the interproximal (24%) and the least affected was the lingual/palatal (1.5%). The second molars were found to be the most affected of all teeth, with tooth 37(12%), 47(11%), 17(9.5%) and 27 (9.1%). The distribution of caries was higher in the lower than the upper jaw.
There was a slight difference in sex predilection with females having 54.5% and males 45.5% of the lesions and the age group most affected was 20-29 years.
Conclusion: The results showed a high occurrence of occlusal surface caries in molars especially the second molars in the 20-29 age group in the patients attending the Public Health Dental Officers School Clinic, Mulago Hospital.
Key words: caries experience, tooth surfaces, occlusal
African Journal of Health Sciences Vol.5(1) 2005: 65-68