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Moyer's method of mixed dentition analysis: a meta-analysis
Objective: To assess the applicability of Moyer's method in different ethnic groups.
Study design: A meta-analysis of studies done on other populations using Moyer's method.
Method: The seven articles included in this study were identified by a literature search of Medline (1966-June 2003) using predetermined key words, inclusion and exclusion criteria. 195 articles were reviewed and meta-analyzed.
Results: Overall the correlation coefficients were found to be borderline in variation with a p-value of 0.05. Separation of the articles into Caucasian and Asian groups also gave borderline p-values of 0.05.
Conclusion Variation in the correlation coefficients of different populations using Moyer's method may fall either side. This implies that Moyer's method of prediction may have population variations. For one to be sure of the accuracy while using Moyer's method it may be safer to develop prediction tables for specific populations. Thus Moyer's method cannot universally be applied without question.
Key Words: meta-analysis, mixed dentition analysis, Moyer's method
African Health Sciences Vol.4(1) 2004: 63-66