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Academic performance of school children with behavioural disorders in Uyo, Nigeria

M.U Akpan
N.C Ojinnaka
E.E Ekanem


Introduction: Behavioural disorders can have a negative influence on the academic performance of school children. There are no similiar published is no known studies in Nigeria. Objective: To compare the academic performance of primary school children with behavioural disorders with that of their controls. Methods: A total of 132 primary school pupils aged 6-12 years with behavioural disorders using Rutter scale for teachers (Scale B2) and their matched-controls were selected. Their academic performance was assessed and compared using the overall scores achieved in the first and second term examinations in the 2005/2006 academic sessions, as well as the scores in individual subjects. Number of days absentt from school was documented. Results: While 26.5% and 12.9% pupils with behavioural disorders had high and poor academic performance respectively, 38.6% and 9.1% pupils without such disorders had high and poor performances respectively. The difference in the ooverall academic performance was statistically significant (p=0.04). The mean scores of the pupils with behavioural disorders on four core subjects compared well with those of the controls. Pupils with antisocial behaviour underachieved more than others. School absence rate had no significant influence on their performance. Conclusion: Behavioural disorders are associated with poor academic performance in school children in Uyo.

Key words: behavioural disorders, academic performance, school children