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Malnutrition and associated factors among children of adolescent mothers attending a tertiary hospital in Uganda

Geraldine Basanyukira
Violet Okaba
Elizabeth Kiboneka
Sarah Kiguli


Background: Children bearing children” emphasizes vulnerability of both parties involved. Children of adolescent mothers are prone to poor health outcomes, undernutrition inclusive.

Objective: To assess the nutrition status and factors associated with under nutrition among children aged one to twenty-four months, of adolescent mothers(COAM) attending Mulago Hospital.

Methodology: A cross-sectional study conducted at pediatric department of Mulago Hospital. COAM were recruited consecutively following consent. Mother-baby pair underwent history, physical exam, anthropometry and HIV testing. Data was extracted by a standardized questionnaire, entered into Epidata 3.1 and analyzed with SPSS Version19.

Results: The prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight was 32%, 31% and 27% respectively. Age above twelve months[OR 4.2CI 95 %( 2.12 -8.32)p<0.001], partner lack of financial support[OR2.093CI 95%(1.1- 3.97)p<0.024], chronic illness[OR 3.901CI 95%(2.21-6.87)p<0.001], low birth weight[OR3.537CI 95%(1.5- 8.1)p<0.003], rural residence[OR 2.65CI95%(1.23-5.07)p 0.013] were associated with stunting. Factors associated with wasting: partner lack of financial support[OR 2.0CI 95%(1.06- 3.78)p 0.032], prematurity[OR 2.115CI 95%(1.02-4.35)p0.042], employed mother[OR 2.174CI 95%(1.18- 3.97),p 0.012] and inadequate antenatal care visits[OR1.83CI 95%(0.97-5.55)p 0.031].

Conclusion: The high burden of under nutrition among COAM is of concern to parents, community and policy makers. Therefore, delaying teenage pregnancies, education on proper nutrition practices will reduce on the high burden.

Keywords: Malnutrition; teenage mothers; children of teenage mothers; Uganda; nutrition status.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1729-0503
print ISSN: 1680-6905