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Fertility outcome of intravaginal insemination in women with unconsummated marriages

Rubina Izhar
Samia Husain
Zubaida Masood


Aim: To assess the fertility outcome of intravaginal insemination in women with unconsummated marriages.

Methods: We conducted a prospective observational study from January 2017 to October 2020. The study population comprised of couples with unconsummated marriages. Participants were divided into three groups: (1) women with vaginismus (2) men with erectile dysfunction(ED); and (3) men who suffered from premature ejaculation (PE). The couple was educated about the fertility period and advised to perform insemination at home on every alternate day for at least twelve cycles. Pregnancy was defined as a positive urine pregnancy test. The couple was asked to report a positive pregnancy test or follow up at the end of twelve months in case conception did not occur.

Results: The study comprised of 769 couples. There were 371 couples with vaginismus, 258 with premature ejaculation and 140 with erectile dysfunction. Pregnancy was achieved in 270(72.8%) couples with vaginismus, 181(70.2%) with premature ejaculation and 72(51.4%) with erectile dysfunction. The time to conception was shortest for couples with vaginismus, 7.72±3.02 months and longest for couples with erectile dysfunction 10.81±1.53 months.

Conclusion: Couples with unconsummated marriages conceive with intravaginal insemination. At home insemination is a treatment option for such couples before embarking on artificial reproductive techniques.

Keywords: Fertility outcome; intravaginal insemination; unconsummated marriages.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1729-0503
print ISSN: 1680-6905