In this paper, we examine the processes of industrialization and urbanization and their roles in shaping morality in the Nigerian society. Industrialization, urbanization and moral values have been issues engaging sociologists, including philosophers of the discipline. The paper explores various perspectives of the processes (industrialization, urbanization and moral decay) with particular focus on Nigeria by examining the issues of the causes and effects of urbanization, social change and its consequences in terms of changing moral values and the specific roles of these processes in moral decadence in Nigeria.It is argued that these twin processes have greatly impacted upon the family which constitutes the bedrock and the building block of the society universally. In doing so, the processes altered social functions such as economic support, reproduction/procreation and family care usually given to the aged and physically challenged, thereby causing families with members in need of care to turn towards institutional care and facilities such as the old people’s home and schools/hostels for the physically challenged. Therefore, there is need to device measures aimed at correcting the deleterious consequences of industrialization and urbanization in Nigeria as a way of sustaining social development.