In this study, we determined the impact of organizational planned change programmes on the quality of worklife (QWL) of employees. The study involved four organizations selected from both the private and public sector establishments in Port Harcourt. Two organizations were randomly selected from each sector. The respondents included forty six senior managers and eighty four non- managerial employees randomly selected from the four organizations. A combination of summated rating scale and dichotomous questionnaire items was adopted for data collection. The analysis of the data was done with the aid of a non-parametric statistical instrument –chi - square (X2). The result showed that a successful planned change programme can positively impact on employees effectiveness, which invariably, can translate to the employee’s growth and advancement on the job. Based on this finding we recommend that in response to the dynamism of the environment, organizational leaders and managers should design planned change programmes that can simultaneously, improve the working conditions of employees and also increase organizational productivity.