Events in the last decade around the land question in Zimbabwe and the broader political contexts in which they have played out have been dramatic and transformative. The political history and the political economy continue to mould the quality of life for most families in significant ways. Human beings have always lived in families from the beginning of time. The family is a pillar of society as it influences the way society is structured, organized and functions, yet the Fast Track Land Reform Programme of 2000 in Zimbabwe came with disruptive tendencies to the family fabric. This paper targets the notion of split households as families spread their risk through maintaining dual farming households as fall back plan if ever they were evicted from one farm. This research intends to establish the nature and extent of split households resulting in increased insecurity for some women and their children. The research shall also examine how new farmers have invested in new marital and cohabitation relationships in order to manage split households. Recommendations are that the government should carry out a programme that campaigns for the promotion of family values, for families that were split by the land reform to get back together.