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Impediments to Small Scale Artisanal Fisheries Development in Nigeria: Location and Category-Specific Evidence from Kogi and Bayelsa States

U Onuche
P.O. Ologidi
S.O Ali


The constraints to artisanal fishing in Kogi and Bayelsa States, Nigeria were investigated to expose priority attention areas for the  different categories (by crafts) of fisheries. The cluster sampling method was adopted in selecting 81 and 178 artisanal fisher folks  respectively from the two states. Mean score analysis was employed in ranking the constraints. In both states, the need for  improvements in technology, credit and extension services was compelling. On peculiarities by states, all categories of the fisher folks in  Kogi state perceived poor catches and high cost of gears and equipment as serious impediments. The Craft-less Fisheries (CF) operators  in Bayelsa state particularly, perceived environmental pollution as a pressing problem. Investment in crafts and funds through the  provision of grants/credit is canvassed for the two states. The enterprises in Kogi State will benefit from subsidies on gears and  equipment, in addition to landing-enhancing strategies like the enforcement of conservation rules. The fisher folks in Bayelsa States,  especially the CF operators will benefit from the prompt cleaning up of polluted areas- and adequate compensations; motorized crafts will aid their movements beyond polluted areas. These investments should be complemented with improved extension services to aid in  the transfer of improved technologies and skills. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1117-9996