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Socio-economic status of women in group membership in selected areas of Kwara State, Nigeria
This paper examines the socio-economic status of women in group membership in selected areas of Kwara State, Nigeria with a view of discussing the benefit they enjoyed from this group. It has been reported that women farmers have been disadvantaged in term of access to land and credit availability among others. The study was conducted in selected villages in Kwara State. Cluster random sampling was used for this research. Data collected from the study were subjected to Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. It was found that the average age of members in the women groups is 31 years (84%). All the women are married (100%). However, majority of the women have no formal education (86%). Most benefits enjoyed by the members of women groups are loans and credit secured (91.8%), provision of assistance during hardship (80.6%) and boosting of income (50.7%). The results of the multiple regression analysis showed that the variables (age, educational level, credit secured and income) together explained 30.3% of the total variation in group membership (R2 = 0.303). The Pearson correlation result revealed a significant relationship between age (r = -0.424, P<0.05), educational level (r = -0.440, P<0.05), credit secured (r = 0.359, P<0.05), income (r = 0.430, P<0.05) and group membership. From the results, it is recommended that the women groups should be strengthened and supported by the government through credit availability and training for the group leaders on group dynamics more than what they are experiencing presently. Moreover, the extension agents should advice and frequently follow up and visit the women group.