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Growth analysis of wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) as influenced by water stress and variety in Sokoto, Sudan Savannah, Nigeria
The study was carried out to determine the effect of water stress and variety on growth of wheat (TriticumaestivumL.), during2009/10and 2010/11dry seasons. The treatments consisted of factorial combination of water stress at three critical growth stage which was imposed by withholding water at tillering, flowering, grain filling and control (no control) and two varieties (Star 11 TR 77173/SLM and Kauze/Weaver) laid out in a split plot design with three replications. Water stress was assigned to the main-plot, while variety was assigned to the sub-plots. Result revealed significant (P<0.05) effect of water stress, attilleringreduced plant height, LAI, CGR, and NAR. Variety had significant (P<0.05) effect on plant height, LAI, CGR and NAR. Water stress at tillering was observed to be most critical growth stage in wheat, and water stress at this period should be avoided because it results to decrease in growth components in wheat. Wheat should be sown in November or at least first week of December in this area and other area with similar climatic conditions. Star II TR 77173/ LM is recommended variety for the area.
Key words: Wheat, growth, Water stress, Variety, Sudan savannah