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Socioeconomic determinants of broiler marketing among small holder marketers in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State, Nigeria

O.I. Ettah
E.D. Uwah
J.A. Igiri
D.A. Abua
G.I. Ettah


Broiler marketing is the process by which broilers products flow from the producers to the consumers. A study was conducted in this  regard in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State, Nigeria with the following as the specific objectives: examine the socio-economic  attributes of respondents, determine factors that affect marketing of broiler in the area and identify the challenges faced by broiler  marketers in Calabar metropolis. Purposive sampling procedure was used in the selection of 60 marketers. Descriptive and regression  analysis were the main analytical tools. Socio-economic attributes of respondents influenced the marketing of broilers in the area. Result  of the regression analysis revealed that age ((10.864), education (3.826), quantity of broiler purchased (12.316) and selling price (2.887),  were all positive and significant at 1% level. Finally, respondents identified poor conditions of transportation (100%); high cost of  transportation (100%); distance to market places (100%); price fluctuation (91.7%); inadequate capital (98.1%); injury to broiler during  transit (95.0%); lack of access to credit (96.7%) as the major constraints to broiler marketing. The study recommends that marketers  should improve their marketing skills by participating in training programmes in order to acquire new knowledge which would be utilized
to increase the volume of sales.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-3147