The selective thinning by removal practiced in the forest of Bossematié, since 1992, aims to allow the stems of the main trees species in the treated plot, to grow rapidly in both diameter and heights. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of thinning on stems diameter growth of both commercial and secondary trees species, 10 years after sylvicultural treatments. Specifically, the study aims to assess the impact of thinning on plant densities and basal areas of commercial, as well as secondary stands to determine the conservation status of the forest based on diameter distribution classes as a function of plant density. The plot method was used to collect data. Results show a reduction in the number of stems of the main trees species in the treated area. In contrast, the density and total basal area, of the 5 groups of species increased overall from 1992 to 2002. However, unlike secondary trees species and classes P1 and P2 of the main trees species, class P3 was more sensitive to the effects of thinning densities and basal areas, as well, in the thinned zone. The distribution curve of the stems, per diameter class, showed that the vegetation of the Bossematié forest was less disturbed, thereby, well-preserved as a whole. A study of the temperament of categories of main trees species is needed to better assess their behavior towards thinning.
Keywords: Selective thinning, density, basal area, commercial trees species, secondary trees species, Bossematié
Agronomie Africaine 24 (3) : 219 - 230 (2012)