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Chemical Composition, in vitro Gas Production and Microbial Quality of Rice Straw Supplemented with Pelleted or Unpelleted Dried Rumen Digesta Concentrate

H.M. Agolisi
T. Ansah
F. Adzitey


The study sought to assess the chemical composition, microbial quality and in vitro gas production of rice straw supplemented with  pelleted or unpelleted dried rumen digesta (DRD) concentrate in the savannah agro-ecological zone of Ghana. Four levels of DRD (0%,  5%, 10% and 15%) were incorporated into a concentrate and subjected to two methods of processing (unpelleted diet and pelleted diet).  Processing methods and DRD inclusion levels had a significant (P<0.05) interaction effect on crude protein (CP), ash, lactic acid bacteria  (LAB) and E. coli. The unpelleted diet at a 15% inclusion level of dried DRD had the highest CP (14.22%). The highest E. coli count was  recorded in the unpelleted diet at 0% inclusion of DRD. No E. coli was detected in the pellet diets. There was a decreasing trend of E. coli  as the levels of DRD increased in the unpelleted concentrate diet. The highest (p<0.05) in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM) and  metabolisable energy was recorded in the 15% DRD pellet concentrate supplemented with 50% rice straw. The study concluded that DRD  pellet can be used as a source of protein to enhance the utilisation of poor-quality feed resources during the dry season to improve the  growth performance of ruminants.    

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2821-9023
print ISSN: 0855-5591