The populations, infrastructure and ecology of cities are at risk from the impacts of climate change which affect urban ventilation and cooling, urban drainage and flood risk and water resources. Built areas exert considerable influence over their local climate and environment, and urban populations are already facing a range of weather-related risks such as heat waves, water pollution and flooding. Although climate change is expected to compound these problems, building designers and spatial planners are responding through improved building design and layout of cities. There is also a need for weather data for testing future performance of urban drainage and water supply systems. Urban forestry and associated programmes are expected to play leading roles in the built environment too. This paper x-rayed significant climate change impacts expected to shape the future character and functioning of urban systems, in Nigeria, people’s attitude to the change, the findings have serious implications for how hazards are managed. The paper also highlighted strategies for managing and preventing climate change on built environment. The importance of public awareness through effective hazard education was also suggested.