This paper attempts to examine the bases of social studies in the 21st century focusing on the concepts of objectives of social studies education, goals of social studies education. It also emphasize the social relevance of social studies education in which case it addresses the social needs, social realities and social aspiration of Nigerians. The thrust of the paper is that corruption and indiscipline exemplified in social and political vices constitute obstacles for integrated national development, and that social studies as a subject has a role to play in charting the way forward for a disciplined and better society. Specifically, it deals on the social studies as a tool for fighting corruption in Nigeria which is as a result of identified as value conflict, destabilized and failing nation because of numerous political and social vices prevalent in the system. Conclusively, an individual exposed to social studies content is giving a positive orientation which will ultimately prepare him or her to function effectively in the society. Social studies would checkmate the rising spate of corruption in our society. Social studies is an indispensable veritable tools for fighting corruption in Nigeria.