This paper aimed at determining the effect of Captioned Film Instructional Package on academic performance of hearing disabled students in English language in special schools in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The Study adopted non-randomized pretest posttest design. The subjects were divided into experimental and control groups. Experimental group was treated with Captioned Film Instructional Package while control group was treated with conventional sign method. Researcher-made English language Performance Test (RELPT) was used for the data collection of the study. Kuder Richardson formula (K-R 20) was used to obtain the reliability coefficient of 0.88. Research question and hypothesis were tested using mean, standard deviation and Analysis of Covariance. The study revealed that the hearing disabled students exposed to Captioned Film Instructional Package (CFIP) performed better than the group treated with conventional sign method. This implies that, the application of Captioned Film Instructional Package (CFIP) in learning environment has significant influence on the hearing disabled students’ performance in English language. The study therefore, recommended the use of captioned film instructional package (CFIP) to be encouraged in learning identification and meaning of words in English language in special schools in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.