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The Moral Imperative of Language and Communication in Culture and Society

FC Aghamelu
EI Ani


The thesis that is presented here shows clearly that the analytic preoccupation
in language represents a deformation of the reality behind language. At best, the analytic preoccupation in language represents a distortion and abuse of the phenomenon of language. As will be observed in the argument of this paper, the analytic position that tends to reduce the role of language as a handmaid of the natural science tends to limit the vast scope of realities that are possible, which man can exploit positively for his fulfilment. One of such realities of language that is threatened by the analytic position is morality. The moral potentials of language as communication is found to be the very foundation of the evolution of true culture and human social order. The repudiation of the metaphysical basis of reality tends to be the greatest handicap of analytic philosophy in general and with particular reference to the phenomenon of language. Language has a moral role and this goes beyond the mere analysis of concepts and propositions of the natural science. There are realms of meaning that are eliminated by this analytic limitation and morality is clearly one of them.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2070-0083
print ISSN: 1994-9057