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Soil Management Methods under Rice Cultivation in Ndokwa Grassland Soils of Delta State, Nigeria
Ndokwa grassland soils with the aim of determining the most effective soil
management measures for rice cultivation. Soil samples were collected at
three locations where rice is presently cultivated in the area. Five plots of
20m x 20m were randomly selected from each location for assessment, both
for cultivated and uncultivated plots. Soil samples were collected and
analyzed for physical, chemical and heavy metals properties in the soil using
the most probable instruments and analytical methods. The yield of rice
harvested was measured in tons per hectares (He). The results revealed that
the application of soil management techniques has enhanced rice yields by
23.45tons/He. The combination of slash and burn, tillage and soil
amendment indicates the best soil management techniques that enhanced the
yield of rice in the area. The result of the multiple regression analysis showed an r value of 0.996, indicating that soil improvement methods
contributed over 99% to soil fertility status of the Ndokwa grassland. The
study therefore recommends the adoption of the combination of slash and
burn, tillage and soil amendment as the best soil improvement method on rice
yied in the Ndokwa grassland soil.