This study investigated the relative effectiveness of problem-solving, guideddiscovery, and expository methods of instruction on students� performance in redox reaction, considering their mathematics ability. It was a quasiexperimental research using non-randomized-pre-test�post-test control group design with expository method as control. Two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated for answering and testing, respectively. A sample of 120 SS2 chemistry students drawn from 3-co educational public secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State was used for the study. Criterion sampling technique was used in selecting the sample. Two researcher- developed tests � Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) and Mathematical Ability Test (MAT), with reliability indices of 0.76 and 0.68, respectively, determined using test-retest method were used in collecting relevant data. After investigations, the results showed that those taught using problem-solving method performed significantly better than those taught with guided-discovery and expository methods; expository approach was the least facilitative. Students� performance was observed not to be dependent on their mathematics ability. Consequently, it has beenrecommended that Chemistry teachers should always adopt problem-solving teaching approach in teaching redox reaction and other quantitative concepts in chemistry in view of its high facilitative effect on the students� performance.