Image making in art is professionally referred to as bust in Sculpture andPortraiture in Painting. It is an art form executed in three dimensional (3D)and two dimensional (2D) formats respectively. Uncountable materials havebeen used to achieve these forms of art; like clay cement, marble, stone,different metals and, fibre glass in the three dimensional form; We also have Pencil, Charcoal Pastel and, Acrylic oil-paint in two dimensional form.Literally it is called the making of �personal images�. This paper will bedwelling on the practical experience in making personal images in the (2D)format using a novel media called �Straw� and fabric as appliqu�. It willaddress the medium, where it is found, preparing it for use and all aboutexecuting a personal image with it in this unique technique, Two Portraitsexecuted in the straw medium called the �straw appliqu� technique will beour reference point as case studies.