The soils Arondizogu inland valley were characterized by investigating their morphological, physical and chemical properties. Also studied were the land use activities of the area. Soil colour was dark brown in the dry upland and gray in the wet valley bottom. Soil texture varied from sandy clay loam in the surface soil to clay in the subsoil. The pH of the soils were strongly to moderately acidic (4.7-5.8); total N were poorly supplied (0.03-0.30%); organic carbon was low to moderate (0.3-3.5%) the values decreased with depth. Effective cation exchange capacity was low (4.60-6.39 meg/100g). Similarly, exchangeable acidity was generally low in the surface soil but increased with depth. The upland areas are used for yam based crop mixture (YBCM) on mound while the valley bottom is restricted to a monoculture of rainy season rice production on flat seedbeds. Higher crop productivity in the area requires fertilizer input, improved crop varieties and use of ridges to check soil erosion.