In this paper, an attempt was made to study Holy Johnson�s patriotism inNigeria, which is supposed to be emulated by the contemporary Nigerianleaders. Thanks to enormously rich archival materials that made it possibleto know the role of Holy Johnson in creating black leadership consciousnessthat led to nationalistic movements as part of its syntheses. Patriotism in this context is essentially love of one�s fatherland, which is a noble and civic virtue, of immense social significance and value. It is hoped that Johnson�s patriotism should constitute Nigerian ethical principle of leadership. In the light of the nature and obligations of patriotism as outlined in the research paper, one may legitimately conclude that as social justice is the true foundation of social order, so also,is patriotism it animating and dynamic spirit. Nigeria needs disciplined and spirit-filled leaders, morally and academically sound leaders. Nigeria needs also security, strong political, economic, religious, and electoral institutions.