Event around us in Contemporary Nigeria points to the fact that corruption is a cankerworm that has eaten into the fabric of every facet of our national life. Public officials demand payment of ransom before or/and after performing their legitimate functions. Business people shortchange their customers through unfair dealings, while law-enforcement agents demand bribes, and collaborate with fraudulent elements in the society. Employee theft is a common occurrence in many organizations. Studies show that people perceive causes of fraud equally without significant bias to gender or religion, but that level of education, age, and income, as well as changes in marital status, have to do with their perception of fraud.Conventional thinking on the scope and delimitation of fraudulent practices center on financial or economic – related matters. Experience and reality have however dictated broadening the scope to include certain social and “victimless” offences which society does not frown at but which have grave consequences on the nation’s socio-economic life. In the final analysis, the task of combating this malaise should be embraced by all the strata of society if the world is to become a better place for mankind. This Paper focuses on the conceptual framework of corruption, as well as causes and strategies to adopt in curbing this disease. It concludes on the need to adopt a multidimensional approach, which would involve both national and international agencies, in solving the problem.