This study was conducted in secondary schools in Anambra State. One research question and one hypothesis guided the study. The descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population of the study consists of 3395 teachers in the six education zones in the state. The sample for the study comprised 1,733 teachers in public and 1,662 teachers in private secondary schools in Anambra State respectively. The sample consisted 30% of the entire population. The instrument for data collection was researchers-developed questionnaire titled “Support Services for Teachers’ Job Commitment Questionnaire” (SSTJCQ). The face and content validity of the instruments was established by three experts and the reliability of the instrument was determined using the split-half method. Cronbach’s alpha method was used to obtain correlation co-efficient of 0.85 for the instrument. The researchers collected the data from the respondents. The research questions were answered using mean ratings and the t- test statistic was used to test the hypotheses at.05 level of significance. Findings indicate that the teacher support services in both the public secondary schools and private schools in Anambra State were limited in order to impact on teachers’ job commitment in schools. Also, in the private secondary schools, teacher support services impacting teachers’ job commitment were not prevailing. It was recommended among others that the State government should set up policies and programmes that will improve the working conditions of teachers, likewise give room for adequate teacher support services and empowerment for both public and private schools.
Keywords: Principals, Teachers, Support Services, Job Commitment, Public School, Private School