This study investigated the impact of monetisation policy on the performance of the public service. A case study of Nigerian Copyright Commission, a public service was carried out, with a view to examining the thrust, implementation, prospects and challenges of the policy. Primary data was gathered through a structured questionnaire that was administered on 140 males and females staff members of the Commission that were randomly selected. Secondary data was achieved through various publications. Due to the nature of data collected, frequency distribution and simple percentages were employed in data analyses. The general impression of the respondents was that the policy has not improved their performance and it has not reduced the recurrent expenditures of the government. The study also revealed that the policy was not properly implemented; its resultant adverse effects on the workers and its failure in goal accomplishment run contrary to the policy objectives. Lastly, the study found that the retrenchment of workers as informed by the policy was at variance with the policy of government on poverty eradication. In view of these findings, the researcher recommended that the policy document demands immediate review, to enable it address the governance problems it was formulated to address.
Keywords: Monetisation Policy, Public Service, Administrative Policy, Public Policy, Waste Reduction, Poverty Eradication and Workers Performance