This study focused on exploring issues in the provision of pre-primary education in Monduli district in Arusha region-Tanzania. The specific objectives were to assess the current practices in the provision of pre-primary education in Tanzania, to investigate the challenges that encountered the provision of pre-primary education and then suggest appropriate strategies for the provision of pre-primary education in Tanzania. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches in data collection and analysis. Data were collected from the participants through interviews, questionnaire and documentary review. The findings from the study showed that Head Teachers faced multiple challenges in managing pre-primary education, including shortage of classrooms, shortage of qualified teachers and lack of teaching and learning materials. This study concludes that only few schools in Monduli district provided pre-primary education due to some challenges including inadequate classrooms, inadequate teaching and learning materials, absence of qualified teachers, long distance from schools to home and readiness of parents to enrol students. Based on the findings, it is recommended that policy planners should clarify the importance of preparations for pre-primary schooling. The government should furnish pre-primary classes with relevant facilities including books, tables, chairs teaching and learning materials, and qualified teachers.