The African Research Review publishes original research output in the areas of Arts, Education, Social Sciences, Pure and applied Sciences, Engineering and Medical Sciences and Law. It is devoted to disseminating results of original research in these fields. Review papers and short communications on topical issues of contemporary importance are also accepted. Africa research review is published four times a year in January, April, July and October. However, there is room for special editions as the need arises.
All papers should be clear and concise (word processed), double spaced on
A4-size paper (210mmx297mm) on one side of the paper only; allowing
wide margins on all sides. The font size should be 12 point and the font style is New Times Roman. No paper should exceed 5000 (five thousand) words including references and illustrations. All tables and illustrations should come at the end of the work with proper referencing in-text.
Organization of Manuscript
Manuscripts should be arranged in the following sequence:
A. Title Page
This should contain the following information:
i. A concise and information title of the paper, not exceeding
ii. Name (s) of Author (s)
iii. Address of institution (s) where research was carried out.
iv. Full Postal address and email of corresponding author in case of
multiple authors.
B. Abstract
The abstract should be written in English and must be between 150 to 200
words. It should indicate the objectives, scope, major findings and conclusion
of the study.
C. Introduction
D. Methodology
E. Result
F. Discussion: This may be combined with results G. Conclusion
H. Recommendation – if necessary
I. Illustrations – if necessary
Each table, figure, plate etc must be on a separate page and numbered in
Arabic numbers. All illustrations should be fixed within the text following
the sequence in which they are referred. Lettering and labeling should be
supplied un-mounted in the form of a good quality glossy prints. (In case of Research Reports only)
J. Acknowledgments
The contributions of persons or organizations to the research should be clearly stated.
K. Reference
The APA reference format should be followed. Citations in-text should be by author’s names and year e.g. Ojo (2007) where it forms part of a sentence or (Raju, 2007) where it appears at the end of a sentence; for two authors, (Ojo and Raju, 2007); and plus et al for citing more than two authors. (E.g. Johnson et al, 2006). Where reference is made to multiple authors, a semicolon should separate them (e.g. Ojo, 2006; Johnson, 2007; Akoma, 2007). Online citation must be followed by the date retrieved. All references cited in the text must be listed alphabetically by author’s surname followed by initials under “Reference” Works not cited should not appear in the reference section of your work. Please, no end notes and foot notes. Articles which did not follow this format will be returned to the author.
Each paper will be assessed by a minimum of two reviewers to be appointed by the Editorial Board. Final selection of papers for publication in the Journal will be based on paper originality, technical quality, use of language and overall contribution to knowledge. The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept, reject, or suggest modifications to the articles submitted for publication, and to make suitable stylistic adjustments. High quality, academic integrity, ethics and morals are expected from the authors and discussants. Articles are accepted throughout the year. 

In addition, authors must give the declaration as to the authenticity of the
work submitted. This declaration should state that the article or work
submitted for publication in African Research Review (
is an original work; acknowledgement of works cited or used in writing
articles properly done, etc. Remember that by maintaining academic integrity we not only do the right thing but also help the growth, development and recognition of African scholarship.
Page Charges and Colour Illustration
Articles accepted for publication will attract a publication cost to be
communicated to those whose articles have been accepted for publication.
Each of the extra copy for co-authors could be collected at the cost of 200
Birr or USD 20, or N2500.00. Authors will bear the cost of printing illustration in colour. Final letters of acceptance are issued only after the
payment of printing charges. Papers prepared as detailed above should be
sent to:
The Editor, African Research Review
Dr. B.J. Ojo.
Senior Programmes & Projects Officer
African Academy of Languages (ACALAN)
African Union Commission
BP 10 Koulouba-Bamako, Mali
E-mail:; or
Phone: +22376907074
All articles published can be assessed online at and

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2070-0083
print ISSN: 1994-9057
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